Originally going back to Singapore

January 6, 2012

Packed everything and was so ready to be back to the small and busy island for the coming new semester.
But here I am, lying down on my king-sized bed at home in Malaysia, ready to hit the sack.
To make a long story short, I didn't manage to go back today. Maybe I'm just meant to stay at home a little longer! Hehe.

Oh well actually it's the train. It sorta broke down. That's why I'm home now. Some people decided to wait for the train to be repaired but even the workers couldn't tell what time it'll be done. Maybe midnight, no one knows. We'd been stuck there for...3 hours? It was 8pm when I finally decided to call my mum to fetch me home.

The train stopped at the same place for so long, it's getting darker outside, and it's so stuffy inside that I could hardly concentrate on reading anymore, each moment that passed felt like an eternity. God. I need to breath. I walked to the part between coaches for there are opened doors for me to breath some fresh air outside. I stepped out of the door and wow, I immediately felt the wind on my face. The view outside was beautiful. I've been travelling by trains for so many times but I'm never really bored of the views, they're very scenic and natural. Sometimes I feel like I've been time-traveled to the stone age or the era where dinosaurs still exist looking at the very original and unexploited jungles. You probably can only see those views in a train cuz trains sometimes travel in the middle of forests.

Of course I didn't let the opportunity pass. Hmm I finally picked up my baby to photograph again. When I'm home I always use my dad's camera cuz 1. it's lighter, 2. the angle is wider as I didn't bring my kit lens back to M'sia and 3. everything's automatic! (saves a lot of time) - it's nice to use it for casual events like gatherings and parties. But I still love my camera the best in terms of the quality, just that I'll need more patience as everything isn't automatically adjusted like my dad's camera.

How can you not adore the sky?
a motto I live by.

The project briefs for new semester are slowly being uploaded to our school website now. Reading them excites me! For one of the projects we will be designing our very own fonts (from a-z) for a chosen poem! I'm really excited about it, I like typography. But we're required to finish a whole sketchbook for this one project. (fyi, I didn't even finish my first sketchbook for the first semester) Guess that means I'll need to put in a lot more effort as compared to last semester, and more sleepless nights are waiting me. I honestly just hope that I will be doing my very best for the coming school days. The final results are somehow not that important. Hope everything will turn out well. 

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