Barefoot Outing

October 1, 2011

So we had our first barefoot outing last Thursday. It's not surprising for Grey Matters class to have such activities because we have been doing weird but somehow interesting activities for this class - talking to inanimate things around us as if they are alive, asking millions of questions that have no exact answers, walking around to ask strangers strange questions and try to guess what kind of person they are etc. Last term it was all about "collection". It's quite interesting but the classes are always very mentally exhausting, really. We are asked to think and write about so many things that I have never thought about in my life.

Back to the topic, so we were asked to walk to a park nearby without wearing shoes, or socks. Some people couldn't understand why we'd have to do these stupid and funny things, I don't even want to understand, I just want to try. Honestly I don't mind, I really want to try and feel and experience all sorts of different things in my life, though they might look stupid.

On the way to the park.

I actually tried to touch the sign with my hands when I saw it. I was quite confident that nothing would happen...right? Haha. I was thinking, it's only a paper with some text and pictures, why is everyone so afraid of it?

I tried to notice unimportant things that I have never noticed before. I tried to observe things that have never caught my attention before. I tried to look at things that never look special to me before.

When we reached there all of us started writing whatever we thought about, drawing whatever we wanted to draw, documenting things we collected etc. Some other classes were playing games instead, but actually I quite enjoy writing or drawing or just walking around aimlessly with my camera. I enjoy solitude. But of course not too much of it.

What Kevin did during the outing. I'm so in love with his handwriting though I could hardly understand them. Can you spot me? I doubt it. haha.

And wow it's October already! Time passes incredibly fast these days. 
Hello, October, as usual, please be kind (:

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